Bloxels is a way for any student to create their own video games. They can build everything about their game – the characters, the art, and the story.

Build your own universe

With Bloxels, students become the creators of games, not just players. They make games to demonstrate knowledge, tell a story, or to persuade others.
It’s also a team sport. Building games together is a good way to practice the 4Cs: Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking.
Students of all ages can build with it, they just build differently. Younger students focus on simple characters and stories, while elementary students and middle school students often build a game to “show what they know” and teach others as a project assignment.
High school and even college students use Bloxels as an introduction to game design.
How it works?
Color-coded behaviors
When building a game layout, every color has a built-in meaning and behavior in the game. For instance, green behaves like ground, and red like a hazard. Orange blocks are “action blocks” that they can use to build logic puzzles. The white block is a “storyblock” – students can use these to put text into their games. For instance, put facts into games and teach other students about the topic.
Boards and Blocks
Students can jump right into the app to start building, or they can use the boards and blocks. Most kids start by creating their own characters. With the boards, they can build characters, art, or game layouts, and then capture them with the app.
Bloxels app
In the app kids can use their characters, art, and game layouts to make games big and small. They can build everything from scratch, remix assets from the app or collaborators, or work as a team to build own world.
Different skill levels, different options
Bloxels EDU: 25 Student Licenses
With the Bloxels app, students can create stories by immediately jumping into building characters, game art, and games. This set does not include any gameboards and blocks!
- 25 Bloxels Student Accounts* for one year, starting at the date of activation
- Bloxels EDU Hub access for an educator
- Bloxels EDU Educator Handbook (PDF)
- First-in-line, VIP Support
* Additional Student Accounts can be purchased separately.
Bloxels EDU Classroom Bundle: 50 Student Licenses
Build your own characters, art, and game layouts with the Bloxels Gameboard and Blocks - then capture them with the Bloxels app to bring them to life!
- 50 Bloxels Student Accounts* for one year, starting at the date of activation
- Bloxels EDU Hub access for an educator
- 5 Bloxels Gameboards and block packs
- Bloxels EDU Educator Handbook
- Bloxels EDU Workbook
Bloxels EDU App and EDU Hub
With Bloxels EDU App, students become the writers, artists, designers, and developers of their own interactive stories. They can add animations, dialogue to their story, add triggers, doors and keys, select music, and much more to make it all their own. In the app, they can put these game layouts together to make games.
Games can be side-scrolling platformers or top-down adventures. They can work with other students through the app to test each other’s games and share their work.
The Bloxels app is available on Chromebooks, Android, iOS, Kindle, and through the Web.

Educators can use the resources, activities, tutorials, and features of the EDU Hub to enable collaboration, sharing, and moderation of student creations.
They can send students messages, review their work, turn on themed asset packs, control access to the Arcade, and more.